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Which Fans Are Applied in the Agriculture Industry?

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Which Fans Are Applied in the Agriculture Industry?

A well-functioning society is a great sum made up of many equally vital parts. In order for this complex system to work, survive, and thrive at its best for its citizens, a lot of factors come into play. Examples of these very important facets are a society’s governments, schools, healthcare, housing, establishments, and of course, its industries.

Industries have always been, and remained, one of the most important backbones of society, as it continuously provides for many of humanity’s vital needs to survive – food, water, produce, electricity, clothing, medicines – the list can go on and on. In a nutshell, industries produce and supply a wide variety of materials on a very large scale, at the quickest and most efficient manner possible. It is a crucial form of economic activity that keeps society’s wheels turning, just by the skilled process of proceeding raw materials and manufacturing all sorts of goods, ultimately for the consumption of beings.

Examples of today’s common industries, found in almost all parts of the globe, include food processing, petrochemical, cement production, construction, electrical power, water, and of course, agriculture.

What is the agriculture industry?

The agricultural industry is also known as husbandry or farming. On a general scale, agriculture can be defined as the science, knowledge, process, and act of cultivating plants and animals to produce forms of sustenance, materials, and energy for humanity’s use. Every society must have an agriculture industry – the farmers and researchers are responsible for the food security and stability of all nations. Therefore, agriculture has always been deemed an essential industry worldwide.

The agriculture industry provides very in-demand services at a fast pace, widespread all over the world. Therefore, because it is essential for humankind, agricultural warehouses and manufacturing facilities are rampant, carefully planned out, built, and then maintained properly to withstand decades of constant work, manufacturing, and high-speed production. For fast, efficient, secure, and safe agricultural processing, every facility needs to be of a high-standard quality, using only the proper machines and tools.

Snapshot of industrial fans

Among these vital tools are industrial fans, which no warehouse can function without. Industrial fans, which are heavy-duty, large pieces of equipment, are specifically built to produce a large gust of air into spaces and structures for a variety of purposes, made in different designs. Generally, industrial fans possess a certain number of blades made from different materials and different shapes, which are all connected to a shaft, and then powered by a motor, turbine, or electricity to control the intensity and volume of air needed for that specific task.

Since the agriculture industry is made up of several, different processes and tasks to produce the end results of healthy livestock and bountiful harvest, there are also several different industrial fans needed to keep these warehouses functioning at its best.

The importance of industrial fans in the agriculture industry

As mentioned,a typical agricultural warehouse needs a host of systems and machines to seamlessly function together to produce the desired goods. Some examples of these are conveyor belts, funnels, blowers, planters, sprayers, and of course, industrial fans.

The main purpose of agricultural industrial fans is to improve and maintain the proper air quality needed inside the warehouse. High quality air is essential for the survival, health, and growth of what is usually found in a warehouse – crops, breeding animals, and even the workers and farmers involved. High-quality means air that’s cool, clean, and well-circulated, thus creating a safe space that is well-ventilated, non-suffocating, non-toxic, and odor-free.

Fans (usually called exhaust fans) do this by sucking in the dirty, stagnant, and odorous air from the inside of the structure (including toxic fumes, hazardous gases, or sharp particles), blowing it outdoors, and then bringing in cleaner, fresher, and cooler air into the space. Fans also help to reduce moisture and humidity in the air and on surfaces, thus preventing any toxic molds, mildew, or fungus from growing in places they shouldn’t.

Kinds of Fans Applied in the Agriculture Industry

There are different kinds of industrial fans needed by an agricultural facility or warehouse, depending on the exact purpose they can serve for a certain manufacturing process. However, here are a few of the most common kinds of fans that are used widely, and what they are mainly built to do for the agricultural industry.

  1. Wall-mounted fans
    Wall-mounted fans are typically of the extractor or exhaust type, made to extract any undesired fumes or gases from a structure. Their key purpose is to improve a space’s air quality, exhausting any humidity, toxic chemicals, or foul odors floating in the air, and to provide proper ventilation, which is important to maintain a clean, breathable space; one with reduced condensation, moisture, and therefore, a lesser chance of mold growth and airborne diseases, both in human and animal.

    Wall-mounted fans usually belong in the family of axial fans, centrifugal extractor fans, or inline extractor fans, depending on where they are placed within the structure. But ultimately, these fans are almost always applied in rooms that are susceptible to moisture – sheds, comfort rooms, water storage areas, shower/wet rooms, bathhouses, cleaning areas, and even the cooking areas.

  2. Ceiling fans
    Ceiling fans, those with long, wide blades connected to one hub, situated at the ceiling of a room, are also important in the agricultural industry. Simply put, they move a lot of air in one rotation, and we all know that moving air is key in preventing any environment from growing stagnant, stale, dank, and musty.

    Usually, a big structure requires a number of ceiling fans, situated in different parts of the room. This ensures a wider surface area of ventilation of air, further improving the quality of air and increasing important air flow. These kinds of fans help the most with heat – they help to move the hot air around the room by rotating largely but also quietly, preventing any heat from building up in one area of the room, which may cause heat strokes for both workers and animals there. Ceiling fans help to provide an optimum temperature that’s cool enough for everyone’s comfort and safety. In addition, they help ensure a well-ventilated workspace with proper air circulation at all times, no matter how big or small the space is.

  3. Air circulator fans
    Agriculture air circulator fans also help in maintaining the proper ventilation of any structure – they are responsible for reducing any stenches, moisture, and dirt from accumulating within the air, and also help to provide cooling to the environment. Aside from ventilation, these fans also contribute to the drying processes of the agricultural industry, providing strong, even gusts of air to remove any moisture.

    There are different types available, depending on the size you need, as well as the volume of air you need circulated within a space – table, pedestal, or floor. All of these, though, are built to withstand moisture, so they are usually made of stainless steel, fiberglass, galvanized steel, or polypropylene.

The quality needed of agricultural industrial fans

No matter what kind of fan is found in an agricultural warehouse, they should all be of high-quality material and of optimum performance standards. They should be built to withstand drastic temperatures, caustic materials, and long working hours – using protective materials that have a long service life, are easy to assemble, clean, and maintain. This is key in maintaining a proper work environment that is both safe, secure, and healthy for the important facets of the agriculture industry – the animals, the plants, and the people.

Do you need industrial fans? If yes, check out our fans here. You can also contact us for customized fans for many industries.

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